Thank you for being my reader in 2017!

It’s been a fun year writing this blog, thank you so much for reading. In 2017, people from about 130 countries visited this blog. The most popular recipe was Spätzli und Knöpfli, the homemade Swiss pasta. The second popular was the Swiss Sunday bread called Zopf and the third the 9 traditional Swiss soups. During this past year I was able to help many people abroad with their Swiss food and recipe questions, for example a lovely lady based in Australia getting to grips with the food traditions of her Swiss husband (for example to lift the secret of what kind of grain is used for the Graubünden barley soup (it’s pearl barley)) and to reconnect another lovely Portuguese lady in the UK with her favourite Swiss cookies Brätzeli and I could even source her long desired Brätzeli maker – more about this great cookie in 2018! I also had many messages of foreigners based in Switzerland who were keen to get to grips with Swiss cooking – I love it when people make an effort to try and cook the local food; I know myself how daunting this can be. Please keep the questions coming!

I also got in touch with some inspiring people behind blogs, businesses and books. There was for example the highly interesting interview The Organic Crisis with biologist and environmentalist Iida or the interview with Nicole who wrote the new Swiss cookbook Alltagskoller. An ongoing project is the world bread series where food bloggers from all around the world write about the use of bread in their culture, so far we have guest posts from Switzerland, Tunisia-Israel and India.

I’ve got many exciting ideas for the coming year and can’t wait to start with it, but for now all that’s left to do is to prepare the New Year’s eve dinner which will most probably be another Fondue Chinoise (Swiss style meat fondue) and get the Tischbombe ready (lit. table bomb – an explosive device, detonated on the dining table). You can get them in any supermarket in December, and they’re filled with litttle party items.

I wish you all a very happy 2018! En guete Rutsch!

With love from Zurich,

2 thoughts on “Thank you for being my reader in 2017!”

  1. Always enjoy reading your posts – keep up the good work!
    Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy 2018. Anny

  2. I’m a foreigner living in Switzerland and I’ve tried several of your recipes. I really enjoy your blog and trying new foods. Thanks for all your effort!

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